Craft Paper Coffee Pouch bag Mockup

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Craft Paper Coffee Pouch bag Mockup
Craft Paper Coffee Pouch bag Mockup
Craft Paper Coffee Pouch bag Mockup
Craft Paper Coffee Pouch bag Mockup
Craft Paper Coffee Pouch bag Mockup
Craft Paper Coffee Pouch bag Mockup
Craft Paper Coffee Pouch Bag Mockup 10 Perspectives. This item is made for a craft paper pouch bag packaging design presentation. The main design layer is converted into a smart object so that you can replace your design on it and get a refreshed realistic view of your design. You will get a high-quality texture which will give you a real brown Recycled paper feel that is made in 3D software with a High-quality render. You can use this Mockup in any CC version of Adobe Photoshop.

Some qualities of this product:
3840 px X 2645 px Dimensions
300 px/inch Resolution
Smart Object to Replace your design
Layer orientation
Changeable Background color
10 different views.
  • Smart Object to Replace your design
  • 3D Realistic Rendered in high resolution

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