Natalia Signature - Handwritten Script font

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Introducing by Timur type
Proudly Present, Natalia Signature
Natalia Signature is a Handwritten Script font , which was created with great care and specially created for you .

Natalia Signature is best for:
- logos, branding, & Signatures.
- Flyers, Album cover, Magazine, & Advertisements.
- Website design , design blogs, & fashion.
- Quote graphics for social media.
- and also it works great for other projects.

Whats included :

- Fonts are provided in OTF, TTF & WOFF file formats.
- Numerals and Punctuation (OpenType Standard)
- Accents (Multilingual characters)

Embelish your designs with our original fonts, feel free to comment or give feedback
  • otf
  • ttf
  • woff

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