Baropetha Signature

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Baropetha Signature is a font with simple and classy taste, comes with 5 Elegant Weight Variations, opentype features such as ligatures, and FREE Italic Version . We keep this font looks classy, readable, elegant, stylish, catchy and absolutly easy to use.

Baropetha Signature is the great choice for watermark on photography, signature or signature logo design, album cover, business card, quotes, and many other design project.

This font is for those who want to show something smooth and modern. You may use this font if you want to attract modern buyers. The font design seems to show that you have a passion in the business and give your love to the products and services you are offered to customers. Because it is an eye-catching signature font, you can use it for a variety of purposes including wedding invitation, signature, logo, branding, poster, and many more.
  • What’s Included : Baropetha Signature Regular and Baropetha Signature Italic
  • Each Font Has : Stylish Handwritten Style, Beautiful Swash (Ending Tail), Beautiful Titling (Beginning Tail), Special Ligatures, Multilingual Support
  • EASY TO USE :)

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