Favorite Signature

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Favorite Signature Font is a beautiful handwritten font with a signature style. This typeface has the look of a thin monoline brush, keeping it neat and simple. It will attract and enhance your project, such as brand logo, brochure, business card, catalog, certificate, cover, embossed design, greeting cards, invitation, label, mockup, price tag, screen print, signage, signature, stationery, sticker, title, watermark, website, and many more!
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Favorite Signature Font comes with a full set of Uppercase and Lowercase Basic Characters, Number, Punctuation, and Symbol. Use it for your business industry which requires an aesthetic appearance, such as accessories, architect, ballet, boutique, event organizer, fashion, florist, furniture, handicrafts, lifestyle, perfumer, photographer, printing, publishing, real estate, restaurant, skincare, spa salon, wedding, writer, etc.
Favorite Signature Font available with multilingual support. Ready to use both on Windows machine or Mac with simple installations. In order to use alternative characters, usually we just need to block the end letters and select alternative letters on glyphs option. It’s tested to work well in the Adobe Apps (Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop) CorelDraw, and others. PUA Encode Characters means you can access all the characters easily.
  • Available on OTF, TTF and WOFF
  • Simple installation
  • Work on PC & Mac
  • PUA Encoded
  • Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word.

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