(Download The Client Bundle [Part 1]: https://deeezy.com/product/6328)
(Download The Client Bundle [Part 3]: https://deeezy.com/product/6357)
Featuring a whopping 1052 of 2,528 icons from 32 multi-variety icon sets such as business, food, technology, engineering, 3d printing, social media, maps, beauty and so much more! Especially useful for freelance designers, creative agencies and design studios who work with multiple clients.
Here is a list of all the icon sets included in this mega bundle:
• 60 Gamification Icons
revenue, coin sack, crown, customer, handshake, idea, medal, star employee of the month, trophy, goal, book, graduation hat, calculator, clock, badge, share knowledge, task complete, globe, thumbs up, flag on mountain, 3d glasses, movie explorer, movie marathon, game controller, popcorn, red carpet, microphone, VIP, watch point, watch with friends, broadcast, famous, first rank, second rank, third rank, follower, following, like, share, subscribe, baseball, weightlifting, singlet, diamond reputation, finish flag, great swimmer, soccer / football, runner shoe, tennis, trophy, car, double decker bus, plane tickets, motorbike, reach destination, sea cruise, aeroplane, transit, travel destination, luggage
• 60 Logistics Icons
Air freight, cargo barge, cargo train, airship, delivery, delivery man, worldwide shipping, fast delivery, free shipping, container, online shopping, support, round the clock, feedback, checklist, destination, geolocation, compass, calendar, time tracking, weight, platform scale, delivery weighing, dimension, recycle, flammable, this side up, safety, umbrella, fragile, dangerous goods, tracking, delivery on doorstep, order delivery, easy return, parcel inspection, parcel in, parcel out, SKU description, barcode, discrepancy, breakage, overflow shipment, shelf capacity, handshake, distribution center, consumer direct logistic, container crane, warehouse management system, master data, warehouse, forklift, mail, stamp, signboard, traffic light, delivery scheduled, delivered, delivery canceled, delivery on bike
• 60 Video Production Icons
3d film, 3d glasses, 4k film, above 18, action clapper, actor, actress, audio editing, bluray, boom operator, camcorder, camera crane, camera dolley, camera drone, camera operator, tripod, cast suit, casting call, cinema premiere, clip editing montage, color correction, director, director chair, film advertising, film budget, film distribution, film opening countdown, film reel, film studio, hd film, image correction, loudspeaker, main idea, make up, microphone, mixing, motion capture, motion graphic, movie poster, movie staff, movie ticket, popcorn & soda, professional movie camera, projector, red carpet, smartphone player, soundtrack, speakers, special effects, star trailer, story screenwriting, storyboard, studio lighting, studio set, stunt, theatre mask, voiceover speech, walk of fame, youtube
• 61 Bioengineering Rounded Icons
biodesign, ecological object engineering, experimental functions, ecological integration, grown materials, symbiosis, biotechnology, growth media, bioengineering, continuous updating, synthetic biology, eco-consciousness, cell reprogramming, bioart, biology tools, biomolecular interactions, bioinformatics, biological network, analyzing DNA, comparative genomics, drug design, drug discovery, health informatics, sequence alignment, cell division, pattern recognition, gene finding, phylogenetics, functional genomics, computational biology, GMO food, genetic modification, nanotechnology, transgenic organism, ecology, observation, knowledge, genetically modified animals, cloning, test house, biology, chemistry laboratory, dropper with sample, biological hazard, chemical reaction, molecular structure, virtruvian man, scientific literature, periodic table of elements, radiation symbol, reproduction process, bacteria & viruses, chemistry experiment, petri dish analysis, protective wear
• 65 Game Design Icons
game controller, level development, save game, game rules, hearts life, dice, board game, capture the flag, keyboard mapping, level up, game evaluation, game development, create visuals, game analysis, game concept, sound effects, support, game publishing, testing game, RPG game, racing game, action game, internet game, simulation game, adventure game, strategy game, shooting game, kids game, protection wear, king crown, space helmet, gamer, game developer, heart rate, explosive, flagship, puzzle quest, mana potion, monster, resources, space mission, keyboard interface, dice roll, story, quest, world, NPC, character, boss, distribution, online distribution, early access, level design
• 80 Map & Navigation Icons
arrived destination, car park, caution, compass, compass app, connected vehicle, current location, flag, marker, scanning location, direction, driving, driving route, favorite destination, forest, fountain, four way intersection, gas station, globe, gps navigation, home destination, lighthouse, location marker, refresh location, map chat, multiple destinations, multiple POIs, nautical wheel, navigation app, nearby destinations, paper map, parking, point destination, point of interest, radar, road obstruction, road ramps, road sign billboard, road split, roadside, roadworks, roundabout, route map, satellite, sealed road, search map, airport, sharp bend, shopping destination, speed trap, street view, toll road, traffic light, unsealed road, windy road, work destination
• 85 Business Color Line Icons
meeting, cooperation, presentation, business travel, coffee break, getting fired, job interview, job search, overtime, office life, promotion, commission, reward, signing contract, brainstorming, motivation, raise fund, annual report, new product, seminar, corporate social responsibility (CSR), growth, leadership, training, sexual harassment, data analysis, vision, video conference, celebration, recruitment, quality control, growth hacking, customer retention, support, opportunities searching, solution, challenge, deadline, teamwork, customer service, global progress, relationship, consulting, deal agreement, team leader, tactical advantage, approved, premium quality, premium service, conflict of interest, rejected, paperwork, growing business, marketing idea, market analytics, market prediction, making money, business case, strategic plan, employee costs, money growth, budget balance, accounting, loan money, schedule planning, invoice, sponsor investment, funds protection, market forecast, money flow, team efficiency, partnership, personal development, team skills, business opportunity, key person, achieving goals, abilities, career advancement, workgroup, productivity, online consulting, workforce, head hunting
• 88 Digital Marketing Icons
target audience, sales funnel, viral content, viral video, blogging, mobile marketing, online business, promote website, content marketing, email direct marketing, analysis, affiliate marketing, online report, commission, consumer behavior, subscription, live stream, customer service, online survey, content sharing, social campaign, advertising system, create content, video marketing, driving data, strategy, production, refinement, native advertising, fresh content, search engine optimization (SEO), call to action, growth hacking, social media, social engagement, review, influencer, community, ad campaign, targeting, planning, online income, online contest, infographic, ebook, webinar, online magazine, podcast, meme, social proof, gamification, clickbait, solomo, p-commerce, multi-screen marketing, snackable content, showrooming, return on investment (ROI), remarketing, marketing automation, deal sites, interactive content, pay per click (PPC), public relation, chatbot, storytelling, organic content, advertising submission, social promotion, ad blocker, viral marketing, long range planning, paid articles, premium content, digital strategy, subscription model, returning visitor, social marketing, personalization, bots copywriting, mobile advertising, user engagement
• 88 Smart Technology Icons
smart home, cctv, smart water, energy consumption ,smart product management, wind energy, eco friendly, solar energy, zero emission, recycle, vehicle emission control, electric car, autonomous car, remote vehicle, connected car, intelligent power, intelligent energy control, robotics, processing power, virtual circuit, traffic control, train, airplane, drone delivery, drone surveillance, satellite technology, public safety, disaster management, intelligent urbanism, political announcement, smart highway, smart buildings, smart care, smart timer, smart meter, vigilante, UAV, mobility, bike charging station, household carbon footprint, open data, collaborative innovation network, user driven innovation, knowledge worker, research, prediction, environmental monitoring, weather forecast, smart working, on demand service, internet, social media, smart connect, NFC technology, smart retail, mobile payment, smart SIM, smartphone, tablet, ebook reader, digital camera, mp4 player, cd player, handheld console, gaming console, wifi, devices, CPU, wireless mouse, wireless printer, smart watch, VR technology, wireless headset, smart TV box, smart TV, bluetooth speaker, smart glasses, wearable technology, gameplay sharing, fitness tracker, smart fridge, smart microwave, smart washing machine, security panel, smoke sensor, automation, communication, semantic web
• 95 Business People Icons
businessman, investor, broker, advisor, consultant, operations, management, manager, partner, leader, king, naturalist, energy conservator, water conservation, maintenance, digital man, bluetooth transfer, on call, operator, discussion, faq, user settings, user location, user placeholder, sick, correct user, wrong user, add user, delete user, consumer protection, telepathy, creative idea, hard at work, brain power, brainstorm, human resource, hiring, background check, qualification, applicants screening, resume, suitable candidate, not suitable candidate, same approach, job rotation, business idea, target, progress, schedule, security, announcement, stocks, entrance, exit, good leader, success, failure, winner, top sales, rating, outstanding, billboard man, expansion, downsizing, introduction, presentation, internal meeting, client meeting, teleconference, gossip, complain, chaos, protest, colleagues, team, group, network, teamwork, resources, organization, bootstrap startup, resources management, networking, stakeholders, counterbalance, value, low income, high income, revolving funds, business settings, income settings, income distribution, deadline, connections
• 150 Food Icons
This set is well organized into 5 different categories: Bakery & Sweets, Cafe & Restaurant, Fruits & Vegetables, Meats & Fish, Drinks
• 160 Social Media Icons
What You Will Receive?
A zip file that includes all 1052 unique icons in the following formats:
• .AI
• .EPS
• .SVG
• .PSD
• .PNG sized 256x256
• .PNG sized 512x512
Why Buy From Us?
• Experienced design team with tens of thousands of icons under our belt.
• 100% focus on icons. A great designer does not make a great icon designer. We know all the nuances in icon design
• Fast & Friendly. That's what you can expect from our support team.
• Awesome File Structure. We cannot stand messy files and neither should you. All our icon sets are delivered with 5 subfolders, each representing a different format for your ease of access.
Real Customer Reviews ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
These are top notch icons, the files were also set up perfectly! If I could, I would have custom icons created by Flat! - by AustinTBiggs
The icons are really well made, It ships with 5 different file formats which makes it really easy to use it for websites and or creating brochures and flyers. - by sebastianobellinzis
Amazing icons, my sites became shiny after adding them to my homepage. - by A-works
What are you waiting for? Grab this bundle now and WOW your clients! :)
- 1052 high-quality icons from premium collections
- 100% vector icons: easy to edit, change color or resize
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